keskiviikko 24. maaliskuuta 2010


Yhtenä taustaoptiona tarjolla seuraava:
The Hunted One
Prerequisites: Must also have the background option 'Sarlona'.
The character is from the eastern continent called Sarlona. His or her race and class can be chosen normally by the player, but it is preferable that this background is also reflected by the choice of race or class. For example, the character's class can be one with the Psionic Power Source, such as Monk, Battlemind, or Psion. Or he or she can follow the religion of Path of Light. For some reason that will be agreed by the player and the dungeon master, the character has been forced to leave Sarlona and is hunted by a secret organization based on the continent.

Nämä blogissa tarjotut taustaoptiot on selitetty toivottavasti ymmärrettävästi edellisessä kirjoituksessa.

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